Destiny of the Body Resources

Some Cayce quotes to get you started:

For in the material things, as we shall find as respecting the Destiny of the Body, as a man eateth so is he also - the physical man. As a man thinketh so is he also; destined that that which is the growth of those influences in the experience of the individual for its accomplishing, its fulfilling that purpose for which it came into being.  (262-79)

… as related to the Destiny of the Body - it has been indicated in thine outline as to how there are the manifestations of those things in the earth that become the expressions of the movement of the spirit bringing into being that which is matter in its various expressions.  (262-81)

(Q) Please explain heredity in relation to the Destiny of the Body. Do we draw to our bodies the same atomic structures used in other bodies?
(A) This is rather confusing in its questioning. There is a compliance with those things, ever, set as immutable laws. LIKE BEGETS LIKE! Heredity, then, is the association of that within the minds, the bodies, the atomical structural forces of a union which hath drawn for its OWN development as well as for that which comes AS an activity of a unison of purpose.  (262-82)

As the Body is a portion of the structure in which the manifestations of the individual, as a portion of the Whole, are carried on, it, that body - is then in the keeping of its KEEPER. So what wilt thou do with same?
God hath not ORDAINED that any SOUL should perish! What of thy Body? Hast thou ordained, hast thou so lived, hast thou so made thy Temple that being untenable thou dost not care for its glorifying?
Ye attempt, rightly, to adorn thy Body for thy fellow man. Dost thou care less for thy God than thy fellow man? Dost thou purge the Body, as He hath given, that it may be made whole for thine soul?
What is to come depends upon what thou hast done, what thou wilt do with the opportunity which is, has been and will be THINE for the glorifying of same.
If ye would be like Him, then so live, so conduct thyself, that THY BODY may again and AGAIN be brought into such relationships that it may be raised; a glorified body to be known as thine very own!
That thou mayest have been called, this, that and the other name may make for confusion to many. But when ye say Creative Force, God, Jehovah, Yahweh, Abba, what meanest thou? One and the same thing, carrying through in the various phases of thine own consciousness; or of those who in their activities seek, as thou (if thou seekest aright), to be one with Him yet to KNOW self to BE self, I AM, in and with the GREAT I AM.
The Destiny of the Body, then, lieth with the individual.  (262-86)

What one thinks continually, they become; what one cherishes in their heart and mind they make a part of the pulsation of their heart, through their own blood cells, and build in their own physical, that which its spirit and soul must feed upon, and that with which it will be possessed, when it passes into the realm for which the other experiences of what it has gained here in the physical plane, must be used.  (3744-5)